Quantum Egypt
Drive F&B revenue while reducing costs
Why digital F&B ordering?

People love ordering online. Ever used Uber Eats or Deliveroo? It’s so easy it is now more convenient ordering dinner from the couch at home than getting room service at a hotel. We are changing that. Our digital F&B platform gives any property an easy and effective online ordering tool, allowing guests to browse and place orders whenever they want, from their own mobile device. Drinks from the sunlounge, dinner while returning from a meeting, orders can now be placed from anywhere without hassle!
Guests will love it!

Ordering via a digital menu instead of tedious phone calls or searching for waiting staff provides guests with:

  • Greater convenience - Guests can order from anywhere, at any time, quickly and easily
  • Higher average check - Without pressure to wrap up their order, guests explore the menu options and are inclined to order more
  • Improved accuracy - no misunderstandings and therefore no frustrations
  • No language barriers - Guests can explore menus in their native language
  • Remove frustration - Eliminate phrases such as "excuse me, I missed that" and "can you repeat that sir?"

Businesses profit from it

Studies suggest when compared to traditional phone ordering, digital order taking leads to a 8-23% increase in average check size due to:

  • Visual appeal - people spend more when they can see what they are ordering
  • Up-sell mechanics - presenting appealing accompaniments to meals results in increased impulse buying
  • Effective menu engineering - Influence guests to try greater volumes of dishes with real time promotions
At the same time, you can reduce costs and improve efficiency due to:

  • Reduced staff intervention - Staff are no longer required for lengthy phone ordering or pool deck service
  • Changes are instant and free - changes to menus are reflected in real time and don't require costly alterations to collateral

How do guests get access?

Scan & Order
Embed into existing property applications
In-room tablet integration
Property social media platforms
Website ordering
Integrations & Technology Partners
Quantum Egypt